I wore this outfit to my brother's this week for dinner and I don't
think anyone has ever appreciated my clothes more than my little niece
did that day. Two minutes after I took my shoes off and greeted my sister in law
in the kitchen, my little niece slowly creeps up around the corner with my
shoes on and a big smile on her face. She then told me that she has fancy shoes just
like me and put them on for me to admire. Next thing you know she
appears in front of me with a pretty dress on. Oh how I love these adorable
little moments. Once she was done showing off her pretty little outfit and complimenting me on may hair and accessories, she brings a cosmetic case full of nail polish over to the kitchen table and asks me to do her nails. I love all of my nieces equally of course, but I must admit, she might be my favourite at the moment. Can you blame me? :)
As you might have noticed, I'm obsessed with the colour orange lately. I just can't get enough! Hopefully none of you are saying "Another orange outfit? Like seriously?" IT IS one of the top colour trends this season and clearly I'm super thrilled about it!! It's just so bright, and fun, and makes me feel so pretty and happy! Another trend that has caught my eye is mixed metals. Especially when it comes to accessories. I never used to think that mixing silver and gold looked very nice at all, but I've completely changed my mind. I would love your input on this. Mixing gold and silver...good or bad??
Hello! :) I hope everyone is enjoying their week! I'm still recovering from that cold, but feeling much better. I hope everyone had a good weekend. Mine was actually quite eventful. Saturday Mum and I attended a music celebration in honour of Earth Day. A good friend of mine performed and I wanted to make sure I was there to support her...and the cause as well. So we treated ourselves to a nice glass of wine and enjoyed some really good local talent. As I left the house that day to attend this event, I somehow managed to fall down a set of steps. Not quite sure exactly what happened...seems I've forgotten how to walk in heels. At first I fell backward a little and then fell completely forward. My purse went flying and I almost dragged mum down with me. Funny how the first thing that popped into my head was OMG did anyone see that? I was more concerned with looking around to see if anybody was passing by than looking into my injuries. It would have been quite funny, I'm sure, to anyone watching. My sore leg and bruises are not at all funny though. We were already running late and my fall left a trail of dust on my outfit, so I went back in the house to compose myself while mum wiped my outfit down with a wet cloth. And off we were, like nothing ever happened. I'm sure we will be laughing about this all week.
The other day I was going through some of my favourite quotes, looking for some words of wisdom, and I came across a quote by Marilyn Monroe.
"I believe that everything happens for a reason.
People change so that you can learn to let go.
Things go wrong so that you appreciate them when they're right.
You believe lies so you eventually learn to trust no one but yourself.
And sometimes good things fall apart so better things can fall together."
I've always been drawn to these words...there's alot of truth in them. After reading a few more of her quotes, I decided to go through some of my favourite Marilyn photos. I've always loved these photos of her.
There is something so chic about a black and white outfit. It inspired me! In my previous two outfit posts, I mentioned how easy it is to pair bright colours with neutrals. Another super easy way is to pair it with black and white.
Blouse ~ Suzy Shier. Skirt ~ Maurices. Blazer ~ Maurices.
Shoes ~ Suzy Shier. |
Hello everyone! I realize it's been over 2 weeks since my last post! Between travelling, work and appointments, the last 2 weeks just zoomed by! I hope everyone had a good Easter. I was lucky enough to spend it with my sister and her family down south in Oakville. Although driving in the big city definitely stresses me out, good quality time spent with them makes it all worthwhile... And of course my sister's delicious BBQ Pizza. Oh and my brother in law's Harley! Cruising along Lakeshore has become a usual treat for me! :)
Don't we look biker cool? |
So much beauty in this pic. Can you tell we are related? |
Lovin' the brother in law's sexy stare. |
On to the outfit. I'm super excited to share my most recent purchase with all of you. I found these Nine West beauties at Winners last week and since I've been so obsessed with black & gold, obviously I wasn't going to let these go.
Bright colours seem to be everywhere at the moment and I'm super thrilled about it. I have found that the easiest way to wear this trend is to pair it with neutrals. I drew inspiration from my new shoes and paired this bright sheer blouse with nude, black and gold.
Sheer Blouse ~ Urban Planet. Skirt ~ Ricki's. Belt ~ Suzy Shier.
Bag ~ Artizan. Jewellery ~ Artizan. Shoes ~ Nine West. |